I stepped outside this afternoon to get a dose of nature inspiration. At first I was drawn to a lone daffodil in bloom on our hillside. Beautiful as it is, I’ve already “done” daffodils.
Returning inside, not yet quite inspired, I noticed lots of robins out at the front of our house. So, I again grabbed the camera and headed outside. Of course as soon as I opened the door, all the robins flew away and the squirrels went running (as if I was going to shoot them – only with a camera though!).
Standing outside, waiting patiently for the birds to come out again, I was struck by the amount of activity that was occurring all around. Multitudes of bird calls, squirrel sounds, birds flying in all directions from one tree to another, or from tree limb to ground or the feeders, or shimmying up and down the side of a tree. Robins were searching for and pulling up worms. Squirrels were jumping from fir tree branch to fir tree branch at unbelievable heights.
While observing all of this, Mother Nature was playing hide-and-seek with the sun, scattering a few raindrops here and there, and blowing a gentle-but-still cool breeze letting me know it’s still March.
Step outside and witness spring for all the senses.
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