Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Chickadee Let Me Know

From time to time I work outside of the home. This past week I worked a full week. With a family of five, those weeks that I work are an adjustment for everyone. Each person has to do more than normal to make the household run smoothly. Chores that are normally taken care of by me are divided into lists for our boys to do.

One of those daily chores is to fill our three bird feeders. Two evenings during this past week, I arrived home to some empty feeders. I am conscientious about keeping up with the feeders because the birds (and squirrels) depend on that food.

I was really glad to have had help with the laundry, so I wasn’t upset about the feeders not filled. I did feel badly for the birds though. As soon as I was able to fill the feeders, I did. And wouldn’t you know that as soon as I turned to head inside, I heard a chickadee calling out chick-a-dee-dee-dee.

That bird had been waiting for food. Once the feeder was filled, it alerted the others that there was now food. I turned and saw that black-capped chickadee perched and calling out. I’m glad to have heard its call because that shows just how important feeding those birds is.

And a chickadee let me know.

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