I often write about all the outdoor creature activity around our place. We have quite a bit of creature activity going on inside our home also.
At the moment, we share our home with our dogs, Gracie and Mia, our cat, Kitty, a peach-faced lovebird named Hubert, and a budgie named Budy. Kitty and Hubert were a stray and a gift, respectively, both arriving on the same day no less.
Throughout the years we have had numerous fish, hermit crabs, betas, a hamster, a snake-for-a-day, and previous beloved dogs. (There were also peking ducks and bantam chickens, but they were outside pets.)
I mention all this because today, April 30, is Mia’s 5th birthday. We adopted her when she was four months old. She’s a schnoodle – her mom is a schnauzer and her dad is a poodle.
She doesn’t know it’s her birthday. But as a member of our family, we’re still wishing her a Happy Birthday!