Tuesday, July 26, 2011

When Life Gives You Overripe Bananas Make...

…banana bread muffins, of course.

Seems like we’ve had lots and lots of overripe bananas this summer. That tends to happen when the weather is warmer. I’ve made a lot of these muffins. They’re good though, and they are always eaten up.

I use a recipe for banana bread. Why muffins and not the traditional loaf? Well, they are easier for all of us to grab one in the morning or for a snack. Don’t need to get out the cutting board and the knife and slice away.

I’ve adapted the original banana bread recipe to suit our needs – especially since we have them quite often lately. First of all, because we’ve had sooo many overripe bananas, I’m always making a double batch. I use whole wheat flour for half the flour called for in the recipe. I’ve also found I can use peanut butter in place of half the butter called for. That makes it healthier, right? Sometimes I add some ground flaxseed in there too, but shhh, don’t tell my kids.

Since our boys are not into nuts, I always throw in chocolate chips to the batter. I guarantee if I made these with nuts, they would be made a lot less often and many overripe bananas would be destined for the compost pile.

There you have it. Not wasting those overripe bananas.

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