Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Having written about Kitty before, I thought it was time I produced a picture of her.

Here she is in all her cat-like glory. She’s looking poised and sublime.

Except for some definite cat traits (like meowing and her occasional mousing habit), she often behaves like a dog. Trying to take her picture, for instance, she kept walking towards me every time I squatted down to get a better angle. And would you believe that she actually comes running in from outside when I call her? Sometimes even the dogs don’t do that!

We don’t know her age exactly because she was a stray cat that happened upon us one spring day about seven years ago. Not being a “cat person” back then, I said we could feed her but she was not coming in the house. We set up a safe, comfortable place for her to sleep out on our back deck. We weren’t going to name her either. We called her “Kitty” and that was that. 

She and I then got to know each other. I would sit outside and she would hop up on my lap, purr endlessly, and drool – while I discovered how soft she was and how she warmed up my lap. She knew how to break me down. As the weather became colder and the rains began to return that fall, off I went to Wal-Mart to purchase a litter box and a cat bed.

Kitty’s been a member of our family since. And I’m now a dog person and a cat person. 

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